Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mermaids and fog

I dreamt of mermaids this week. In the 80s I use to dream about them every week. Maybe it's a sign? I've been having very vivid dreams again. Nice story type dreams not the kind where I am lost at the train station.
It's also been foggy for the past few days and we've had 3 thunderstorms. That puts me in the mood to write again. I actually made a photoshop picture last night too! It's of the mini-cooper Nicky sent to us for Easter. I posed it with my Snoopy detective guy and the Nightmare Before Christmas fence we have in Halloween town. It made me want to learn how to make those Wallace & Gromit type movies.
Well off to write....

1 comment:

  1. My best friend caught a fairy and he posted a blog to ask advise about what to do with it. Everyone is telling him to let it go. We can't let this happen! Visit his blog and help me convince him to keep the fairy. Thanks.
